I’m a content designer and UX writer who doesn’t believe there’s much difference between the two

So it doesn’t matter which role you need me to fill. I can do that for you.

Take a look at some of the things I’ve done. If you like what you see, then we should talk.


Menu navigation in Google Play

I’m a sucker for a taxonomy. Check it out

App management in Google Play

Old apps can learn new tricks. Here’s how

Play Points

Making it sound simple. Like this

Play Pass

Tell them how good the deal is. This way

Play Protect

Security shouldn’t be scary. Keep watch

Data Safety in Google Play

Privacy doesn’t have to be hard. Take a peek

AdWords Policy

Rules must be clear. Get clarity

Project 50to30

Make it shorter, make it better. See

Wanna make something cool?

If your cool thing is an email campaign or a marketing pitch, I’m not your guy.

If your cool thing is telling stories, and the story is more than just “Hey you should totally buy this,” then I’d like to hear what you got.

If your cool thing is a thorny taxonomy or a tricky user journey, you should start filling out this contact form, immediately.

You can also reach out on LinkedIn.